Please bring with you to your appointment:

– Insurance card(s)- have available at every visit

* There are many changes to insurances over the last few years. Please bring your most recent medical and vision insurance.

– Verify your benefits with your insurance company. Let us know if you are here for routine or medical exam.

– Contact lens prescription and evaluation information

*contact lenses are a medical and need to be evaluated every year; In order to keep your contact lens prescription current. Just as you have grown, aged, and changed since your last appointment your eyes have too! There will be a fee for your Contact Lens Evaluation.

*If you are new to our practice please bring your most recent contact lens prescription or boxes.

*glasses old and new

– Health history, we need to know if you have had any surgeries, on any medications, over-the-counter medications, supplements and/or herbs/vitamins, and family history.